Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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Pressefach von AZUL NATURAL BEEF S.A.

6.1 D24
Ansprechpartner für die Presse:
Carolina Incisa di Camerana
Azul Natural Beef S.A. is a prestigious beef company based in Argentina, renowned for delivering top-tier meat products with exceptional marbling, high quality, and consistent excellence. With a legacy spanning a century, the company's roots stem from a partnership between two families deeply entrenched in cattle farming across Europe and Argentina. At the heart of Azul Natural Beef's success lies their meticulous selection of the finest Aberdeen Angus cattle from Argentina's scenic Pampas. These cattle thrive in pristine pastures, adhering to strict nutritional programs and rigorous quality control, and finished in a grain fed corn plant based ration, ensuring the end product attains the highest standards of quality. Azul Natural Beef S.A. has garnered acclaim from discerning consumers worldwide, drawn to the unparalleled taste, marbling and tenderness of their offerings. Their flagship product, Certified Angus Beef, boasts natural marbling, enriching flavor, and consistently elevating dining experiences. With an unwavering commitment to ethical practices, Azul Natural Beef S.A. holds certifications including Halal Beef, Kosher Beef, Angus Beef, BRC, and Animal Welfare Certifications. Their extensive market reach includes the European Union, Mexico, USA, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia, United Emirates, Peru, Brasil, Chile, Israel and many other countries, reinforcing their dedication to delivering premium beef consistently. With a talented team of more than 600 individuals driving progress, Azul Natural Beef S.A. continues to lead the beef industry, forging meaningful relationships with customers and communities. Each product of Azul Natural Beef reflects their unwavering pursuit of excellence.
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