Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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We have taken real fruit, mixed it, froze it, put it on a stick and created ice pops. And since we can’t call it ice cream (no milk, no chocolate or vanilla) let’s officially call it a frozen fruit dessert on a stick, or simply ice pops. Or even better: La Popsi. Using shock freezing technology we improve texture, preserve flavor and nutritional values of fruit. We believe less is more and that is why we are proud of our clean labels and real taste. We are all about keeping it real. 


1.     We use only real fruit. So much, we can claim numbers of real fruit inside our products. 

2.     La Popsi products are low on calories. 

3.     They have no allergens. 

4.     La Popsi never gets rotten in your freezer. 

5.     Clean label - just a few ingredients and all of them natural. 

6.     Cools you off or cools you down. Depends on the situation. 

7.     It is not an ice cream. It is an ice pop. 

8.     Ice pops are very self-explanatory. 

Zum Pressefach von La Popsi d.o.o.

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