Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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Pressefach von Aceites Oro Bailén Galgon 99 S.L.

11.1 F021b
Aceites Oro Bailén Galgon 99 S.L.
Ansprechpartner für die Presse:
Ctra. Plomeros Casa del Agua
23730 Villanueva de la Reina
Aceites Oro Bailen is a producer and world leader company in the production of early harvest extra virgin olive oils with intense green olive fruitiness and great complexity of herbaceous and fruity aromas. Considered one of the best EVOOs in the world by the most prestigious national and international competitions, and with a market share that covers more than 35 countries, its production is carried out using mechanical processes. The harvest is done very early, always depending on an optimum point of ripeness. It is transported to the mill with the greatest speed, achieving in less than two hours to complete the entire production process thanks to the location of the facilities, obtaining very fresh and fruity extra virgin olive oils.
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