Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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11.1 B021b
Ansprechpartner für die Presse:
María José Albacete
Carretera Estación 26
30580 Alquerías
A whole world of new sensations for the most demanding gourmets. With over twenty years of experience in the manufacture of high-quality products, Caprichos Del Paladar is the only Spanish company that, thanks to its extensive know-how in agriculture, selects and packs its vegetables by hand. It contributes to improving and promoting the Mediterranean region by committing to more responsible and sustainable agriculture. Professionals will find a reliable partner in Caprichos del Paladar thanks to the experience it has gained over the years. A food preservation company with a rich history, whose efforts are aimed at offering only the best to its customers. As a result, Caprichos del Paladar have created an innovative range of premium quality vegetables in confit; quality products that add value to each dish prepared in a restaurant. Thanks to its in-depth knowledge of agriculture, Caprichos del Paladar is able to source and select the highest quality cultivated vegetables. This means that restaurants receive a carefully selected and controlled product from field to kitchen, with the highest standards of quality and freshness. Caprichos del Paladar is the leading company in vegetable products with a wide range of confit and conserves that enhance the creative potential of gastronomy, greatly facilitating the work in the kitchen and allowing chefs to effortlessly create an infinite number of new dishes. Welcome to the world of Caprichos.
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