Köln: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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Pressefach von Vicky Foods Products SLU

3.2 B58/B50
Vicky Foods Products SLU
Ansprechpartner für die Presse:
Alberto García
Avenida de Alicante 134
46702 Gandia
Vicky Foods is a family food company present in more than 50 countries over four continents. Born in 1952 from a small workshop, today it produces food products under different brands. • Dulcesol is Spain’s market-leading brand of baked goods and pastries. The Dulcesol range encompasses various categories of packaged bread and pastries with more than two hundred products in a wide variety of formats. • Be Plus is a new brand set to be a leading name in the convenience health food market. The brand is divided into different categories, and its offering is based on natural products, with no additives, made using certified organic ingredients. • Horno Hermanos Juan is the newest brand and was born with a view to meeting the needs of restaurant professionals and traditional and organised bakeries. Based on our traditional baked goods and the power of refrigeration, we offer a range of pastries, breads and snacks which are all pre-baked. Vicky Foods strives for continuous improvement, innovation and sustainability to respond to market needs.
Die Online-Pressefächer sind ein gemeinsamer Service der Koelnmesse GmbH und der NEUREUTER FAIR MEDIA GmbH. Verantwortlich für den Inhalt der Pressemitteilungen sind die jeweils herausgebenden Unternehmen. Diese stellen Koelnmesse GmbH von jeglichen Ansprüchen Dritter frei, welche im Zusammenhang mit dem Gebrauch der Online-Pressefächer entstehen. Diese Freistellung gilt insbesondere auch für Verstöße gegen das Urheber- und Markenrecht. Sie besteht auch dann fort, wenn die betroffene Pressemitteilung bereits aus den Online-Pressefächern herausgenommen wurde.